What I’m wearing today

Supporting South African brands, today I’m rocking “Ubuntuism”.

Ubuntu is a term that has been synonymous with South Africans during revolutionary political changes. It pertains to the ideological philosophies of humanism. Translation range from “humanness” to “human kindness”.

PicMonkey Collage

I am classifiable as a Xhosa woman. I have clan names, and deep roots that can be traced to the very Khoi-San people that first lived around these southern regions. I am a South African and I will never forget that. I figure that is the problem I face with most people; they always assume my international aspirations mean I want to disregard my history and the traditions embedded in my cultural practices. By supporting initiatives in my country, like a clothing brand that pay homage to great iconic political  figures, I am basking and living in the moment of what previous generations fought for. This commercialization of history does not diminish its significance,nor erase it. This is a reinterpretation of what is known and understood.

Remember that!


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Hoda says:

    THIS. IS. SO. AMAZING. <3 I just love when activism and fashion mesh!!

    <(") Hoda

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