Global Citizen: India’s 2014 health success

I just got the email today.

I am a member and supporter of Global Citizen, and I recognize the achievement this is in the health sector.

Global Citizen have just confirmed that India has just gone 3 years without a case of Polio.

Their certification will be given in March 2014.

Polio in India affected children predominantly. The statistics stated that in 2009 India had approximately half of the worlds cases of Polio .The joint operation between private organizations and powerful world leaders, towards eradicating Polio occurrence, in a Third World country laden with such immense socioeconomic issues, is an achievement worthy of being celebrated.

Uneven progress has been made with regards to the Millennium Development Goals. India, due to blatant internal and external factors of population and economic development, has also managed to decrease their poverty-stricken population.  Millennium Development Goal 1A (halving the quantity of people living on less than $1 a day) was achieved in 2008 mainly due to the results from China and India and East Asia. China is unprecedented in many areas, and the United Nations system in China sees 2015 as a year that will mark China’s achievement of all 8 Millennium Development Goals.

“Ending polio is a critical step toward improving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children.”

Click on the link below to support the continued success of eradicating Polio’s occurrence in the world:

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