Ollie in London: The Days that followed Fashion Week

Following London Fashion Week, and the scrumptious food consumed during said week, I turned full-on tourist. I gave up the stiletto heels for functional shoes, big coats and scarves. One thing I can say about world travel is that once you know what vibe you’re into, you’ll find a mellow way of getting to it…

London Fashion Week 2015: Event Review

I expected more. I expected to be awed by an unparalleled sense of decadent historical nostalgia, contemporary style innovation and pure wonder at the annual spectacle that celebrated British fashion and implied subsequent creativity. What I got was something that paled in comparison. I don’t count it to be a fault on my part for…

London Fashion Week: Day 5 Look

Sorry about the delayed post. This look was an impromptu gettup. I had not factored a Day 5 into my wardrobe plan-out. I’m wearing my durable black Levis skinny jeans, a vintage leather jacket from Babette, a poloneck, a vintage crocodile skin clutch bag, Woolworths heels, and beaded bling. Sunnies from Spitfire. Street style pictures…

London Fashion Week: Day 4 Look

I figured I’m a sucker for pain because come day 4 of London Fashion Week I deigned to wear high heels again. Where for art thou sanity? Today I wore Forever New sunnies, a clutch bag by Shiko from African beadery, Black skinny jeans from Levis and a leather jacket from Woolworths. The rest are…

London Fashion Week: Day 3 Look

First of all: HOLY CRAP! Today’s weather went from tolerable cold to “Dear Lord! Save me!” I barely survived the walks between Fashion Scout’s runway shows at Freemasons Hall and the official London Fashion Week base at Somerset House. Today I wore a faux fur jacket by MilQ & Honey with some durable leather boots,…

London Fashion Week: Day 2 Look

As I mentioned yesterday – Expect the full event review of London Fashion Week on the 25th. In the meantime, enjoy the looks. For Day 2 of London Fashion Week I wore a MilQ & Honey dress, Errol Arentz stileto boots, a Simon and Mary hat and vintage jersey throw and bling. Shout-out to Yahoo…

London Fashion Week: Day 1 Look

I have a whole lot to review for Day 1 of London Fashion Week so I’ll post a review sometime next week. This is what I wore to Day 1 at Fashion Week. I’m wearing a silk Shirt from Babette – A vintage shop in Cape Town, South Africa. I have a grey Jersey throw from…

Ollie in London: Day 1

Day one in London and I woke up at 7am, lazed about in bed, updated all my social media and let all the important people know that I’m alive and well. Following a revitalizing hot shower that washed off 24 hours of travel, I spent a while picking out what to wear in accordance with…

My travels to London: Planning and execution

This is the beginning of making great strides for myself globally. The opportunity to travel abroad presented itself because of a peculiar combination of factors. I had never properly celebrated my birthday since I was 14 years old – that includes Sweet 16s and 18th birthday blow-outs. Anyone well-versed in the broadly generalized behavior of…

London is GO!

Guess who just got her Visa? YEP! Everything is real now folks. I’m heading to London in less than a month, and will be attending the 2015 London Fashion Week in partnership with Uber Cabs for the easiest and most convenient inner-city travelling. Waited nearly 2 months to get the confirmation from the UK Visa…